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Retiring SCS teachers bid farewell

Mrs. Hunton reads Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! to her first grade Hendricks class.

The close of a teaching career is marked by many of the same dreams of its beginning. From planning events to anticipating the future, only the details change. “I want to see every grandchild's (activity),” said Jan Asher. She taught all levels over the course of four decades, from Loper Elementary up to the high school. With six grandchildren, Mrs. Asher should remain busy. Another four-decade veteran, Sarah Hunton retires from Hendricks Elementary after previous stints at North and South Decatur, as well as Pearson. She taught first grade for 34 of her 42 year career. I dropped in on Mrs. Hunton’s first grade class last week for a serendipitously timed reading of Marvin. K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! “This book is appropriate today. It’s kind of how I feel because the time has come,” Mrs. Hunton told the class.

(L to R): Sharon Orem (Hendricks), Jan Hearne (SHS), Jan Asher (Loper), Kim Stillabower (SMS), and Sarah Hunton (Hendricks). | Submitted

Pointing out how many siblings and parents of current students she’s taught, Hunton taps one student on the head and says, “I just had to have my last Runnebohm (before retiring).”

Despite the found time, the new retirees will miss teaching. Hunton initially decided to retire alongside her husband Dave two years ago. After staying up late crying one evening, she realized the timing wasn’t right. This time, she is at peace with her decision.“I am so blessed to have been able to do a job I love,” Hunton said.Back in the classroom, Mrs. Hunton caves to students’ pressure to re-read the Dr. Seuss classic.“The time has come.The time has come.The time is now.”She skips to the last page.“I said GO and GO I meant....The time had come.SO...Sarah E. Hunton WENT."“Hey, you didn't read it all this time,” one student cries out.“There's more to the story,” says another. In another wing of Hendricks, Sharon Orem winds down a lengthy career in Shelbyville. First hired by Mr. Denny Ramsey to teach half-day 5th grade at Coulston Elementary, Mrs. Orem taught each elementary grade except 2nd. “I can't say I had a favorite,” Orem said. “I liked them all at the time.” She and her husband, Jon Orem, PhD., plan to travel, especially to Chicago to visit sons Josh and Tyler. They also intend to spend quality time with adopted daughter Isabelle, as well as visit foster-child Betsy at University of Southern Indiana.

For SCS retirees, the rest of the story will be spent much like the past few decades, focused on family and friends. And grandkids, of course.

Saturday Shelby, Inc. | PO Box 962 | Shelbyville, Ind. | 46176

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